Atomic Atoll by Louise Hall

Atomic Atoll

Louise Hall

36 x 36 inches



The Dome on Runit Island is a legacy of the United States atomic testing from 1946-1958. Runit is one of 40 islands in the Enewetak Atoll, part of the Marshall Islands. Runit Dome, or The Tomb as the locals call it, is a legacy of the 43 nuclear tests the United States conducted there. The 18” thick concrete dome was constructed in 1979 in one of the old bomb craters. The crater, unlined due to cost considerations, is filled with nuclear waste and solid chunks of highly toxic plutonium. The sea level has risen and is penetrating the dome due to the porous nature of the sand and coral that comprises the atoll. With climate change, the increasing ferocity of storms is of enormous concern because Runit is only 2’ above sea level. The contents of the dome, as well the surrounding sediments, are dangerously radioactive.


Hand dyed and commercial cotton fabrics, batting, thread, fusible interfacing


To hear the artist speak about the artwork, call (703) 520-6404 and enter 2186 followed by the # sign.