Blooming Seeds by Olivia Arreguin

Womb in a Dress by Olivia Arreguin

Tapestry of Hues

Olivia Arreguin

May 11 – July 20, 2024


“In my exploration as a fiber creative, I have discovered a profound means of self-expression. Textile art, with its rich history and diverse techniques, offers me a boundless canvas upon which to convey my creativity to explore themes of identity, culture, and human connection.”

With Tapestry of Hues, Olivia explores themes that shape her identity, inviting the audience to connect with her life experience. Instead of focusing on disparities between borders, Olivia concentrates on finding universal themes and human experiences that foster connection. In her work, she touches on themes such as inclusion, motherhood, race, culture, and community, highlighting the threads that bind us all.

“En el arte textil, he descubierto un medio para expresarme profundamente. El arte textil con su rica historia y técnicas diversas, me brinda un infinito lienzo en blanco para realizarme de manera creativa y explorar temas de identidad, cultura y conexión humana”.

Con Tapestry of Hues, Olivia explora temas que le dan forma a su identidad, invitando al público a conectar con su experiencia de vida. En lugar de enfocarse en las disparidades entre fronteras, Olivia se concentra en encontrar temas universales y de experiencias humanas que fomentan la conexión. En su obra, aborda temas como la inclusión, la maternidad, raza, cultura y comunidad, remarcando los hilos que nos unen a todos.


The creator of the Vicu Textile Lab, a studio that explores textile art techniques, Olivia Arreguín Villa has experimented with weaving, tapestry knotting, macrame, crochet, knitting, needle, and wet felt. Tapestry of Hues is a sample of Olivia’s 18-year journey working with fibers.

Creadora del Vicu textile lab, un estudio dedicado a la creación textil, Olivia Arreguín es una artista textil que ha experimentado con tejido en telar, macramé, crochet, tejido en agujas y afieltrado. Tapestry of Hues es una muestra de su recorrido de 18 años trabajando con fibras.