Rainbow Eucalyptus by Terri Shinn


Rainbow Eucalyptus


Terri Shinn


Washington, USA


15 x 7.5 inches




Trees have turned into a source of never-ending fascination and inspiration. Besides their wonderful textures and diverse colors, I am drawn to their amazing lines and shapes.

This new series of vessels endeavors to explore the textures, colors, and lines in the bark of trees from around the world. Bark is considered an accumulation of several different outer layers of a wood plant. Similarly, multiple layers are what I use to create my vessels; either by machine or hand stitching, or a combination of both. I am forced to slow down, to take my time and truly study what nature has so masterfully created, as I attempt to emulate its beauty while interpreting these forms in stitch.


Hand-dyed fabrics and interfacing.

Hand and machine stitched.