Lemuel by Carolyn Harper

Zyrell by Carolyn Harper

Raymond by Carolyn Harper

Children (32-piece series) by Carolyn Harper

Look Me in the Eye

Carolyn Harper


I create images of people or groups who have been marginalized, discriminated against or abused. My current works depict specific individuals living on the streets or in an area shelter; they provide faces to those who are faceless, nameless and powerless. My large quilts are all hand-sewn, often with hand-dyed fabric. They are visible markers that shout out, ‘Look at me! See me!’

My practice is not only about documenting and creating, it is also about making connections with people–and I have formed deep personal relationships with some of the people who I have met. My hope is that the work will encourage others to do the same, and that you will see something of yourself in these images. In the words of Paul Klee, “Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see.”


Children (32-piece series)


