Same As It Ever Was by Kathy Nida


Same As It Ever Was


Kathy Nida


California, USA


30 x 17 inches




My country ‘tis of thee continues to destroy the rights of those with less power. White women bemoan the fall of Roe versus Wade, while those with even less societal pull— people of color, indigenous peoples, and the trans, gay, and queer communities—remind white women that things are the same as they ever were. Those with the money and political power will strip the rest of humanity of whatever power they’ve grabbed for over the last 100 years. The Supreme Court is not my court. This is not America for all the people, just America for a few. Some don’t even realize they are not part of those few.


Commercial and hand dyed cottons.

Fused-appliqué, machine stitching, and machine quilting.