Yayoi by Sandra Bruce




Sandra Bruce


50 x 30 inches




Yayoi is a hero to me. She survived an abusive childhood, a world war in Japan, abusive parents who did not support her artistic endeavors, galleries that would not show her work, male artists who stole her concepts, and many other failures… to become today, at the age of 90, one of the most famous and the highest paid female artist in the world.

I admire and honor her, for surviving 90 years amidst these seeming unsurmountable obstacles. Her work, fantasy-filled and so unique, brings the viewer into a world all her own. She has worked as a painter, performance artist, fashion designer, poet, writer, and in film.


Commerical and hand-dyed cotton fabric, digital image, fabric paint, thread, binding

Digital illustration, piecing, hand-appliqué, free motion quilting, hand-painting, hand-dyeing