After raising a family and having a professional career in IT, Skip returned to weaving – forty years later. He began to explore form and color as complementary components of artistic design by combining experimentation with professional study. Skip blends traditional style with Collingwood techniques to create contemporary tapestries that include a blend of geometric and abstract designs that engage the eye and generate interest and imagination. Recently, Skip has begun to explore the integration of open space with the more traditional parameters of floor-loom based weaving to enhance abstract design.
“For the past several years, I have been exploring ways to push the artistic capabilities of floor loom weaving,” says the artist. “This exhibit showcases my evolving designs as I have incorporated open space and overlayed color into first geometric, and then bold, highly abstracted folk-art based designs while challenging the individual to find their own interpretations.”
I was initially drawn to the history, culture, and technicality of weaving, and at least partially driven by my New England roots and IT professional career with several parallels to the punch card-controlled Jacquard loom of the 1800’s. Beginning with the study of creating traditional utilitarian articles, my focus rapidly evolved towards exploring more artistically creative ways to blend weaving techniques and abstracted design. With influence from Peter and Jason Collingwood, I am now incorporating shaft switching and integrated open space to create uniquely distinctive contemporary rugs and tapestries which push the boundaries of what can be created on a traditional multi-harness floor loom.