Strange Attractor # 26 - Uprising by Niraja Lorenz

Strange Attractor #26 – Uprising


Niraja Lorenz

54H x 43W inches




Working with subtle variations in color and value, I piece together fabric to create engaging compositions which evoke emotion. I try to include bits of every hue in each of my pieces. My work is generally not driven by a story or concept, yet forms emerge.

Strange Attractor #26Uprising can be interpreted in many ways: a magnification of microscopic particles, the vastness of space, a cross-section, an aerial view, or all of these at one time. During these challenging times of pandemic, forest fires, and political unrest, I wanted to create something uplifting and joyful. For me, I see an upward rising of forms, gleefully dancing in a field of color.


Hand-dyed and commercial cotton fabric


Machine piecing, machine quilting with walking foot

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